BELC Film Club

The BELC Film Club is designed to allow students the opportunity to explore different avenues in film in calm English language training sessions. From viewing to production, this club is for students who are interested in the film, discussions and interaction.


The mission of BELC Film Club is to:

  1. socialize and interact in a calm academic environment;

  2. have language training session on a visual topic that matters to us and put the language in a practical context where opinion matters;

    1. strengthen the students' listening skill; and

    2. introduce the students to the culture of the native speakers.

Number 3 is the most important mission!

Qualifications for BELC Film Club

(Eligible for Membership if any applies)

  1. Your are eager to practice your English Language skills

    1. You are enjoying hot, friendly discussions with openness

    2. You are not affixed of the dark :)

  2. Your diet consists solely of soda, extra buttered popcorn

  3. Though you watch it every year, you are never happy after the Oscars…stupid academy.

  4. You find yourself spending more than half of your time on the internet on the Internet Movie Database (a.k.a.

  5. You instantly become an expert film critic every time you watch the movie previews.

  6. You cry in movies. I know it. You know it. Stop lying to yourself


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